Anime News Network - Article

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Microphone means More Work!

Good evening, everyone. First off, I would like to apologize to anyone who actually reads this blog for being inactive. I have just been busy with various other things to really post much of anything. In any case, now that that is over with, let's get to the reason we're all here.

I got a new microphone! That's right. It's a very nice headset microphone that looks relatively professional. It's really comfortable and it records nicely. The only problem is that the microphone records things a little too loudly, meaning that I have to fix that somehow. The reason it's not a good thing is because that, while it records loud and relatively clear, it records so loud that my voice comes in a little choppy, not being able to register the higher decibels in a recording. I attempted to reduce the volume in a variety of methods, but none have seemed to work so far. In any case, I hope this is not too much of a problem.

Other things have also happened. Firstly, I got a copy of Animal Crossing: City Folk. It's actually quite fun despite not getting too much of a chance to actually play it. If anyone who reads this wants my friend code for the game, I'd have to say to contact me over MSN Messenger beforehand.

Another thing is that my charge cord broke! Well, it's still relatively operational, but it only charges if held in a certain spot. Therefore, I ordered a new one and just got it yesterday, so crisis averted. Along with that came a One Piece 2009 calendar that I imported via YesAsia. When I ordered it, I thought it was going to be one of those 8 1/2" x 11" calendars that are once a month. I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was much larger than I thought it was and that every page in the calendar, while covering two whole months on each page, consists of a fantastic piece of artwork from the series as well as the fact that they can be easily and almost seamlessly torn off when needed. That way, I can use my old discarded pages of my calendar as posters on my wall, as they are about the size to be so.

So the cover page of the calendar is a generic group pose picture in which every character poses in their own unique manner. Luffy is smiling and appears to be pointing ahead, Zoro has his new katana, Shuusui, in his left hand, which he appears to be showing it off with his usual overconfident sneer, Sanji has a similar sneer, but holding his usual cigarette near his mouth as if he had just taken a drag of it, Nami has her Perfect Clima-Tact held over her shoulder and looking like she just stole a bunch of cash, Robin is standing and appearing with only a very slight grin as she grips her left arm with her right hand in her usual manner, Usopp appears in the costume of his alter-ego, Sogeking as he holds his Great Slingshot Kabuto and stares into the sky dramatically, Franky is standing in the back with his arms crossed and his head tilted at a 90 degree angle, smiling cockily. Brook is in a generic Brook Pose, holding his top hat near his head while appearing to laugh jovially.

The first page of the calendar so far is eight of the nine straw hats (excluding Brook) as they appeared when they were children. Behind each one is that straw hat's mentor/hero/friend/etc that the straw hat looked up to and/or cared for, including Nico Olivia (Behind Robin), Chef Zeff (Behind Sanji), Lady Kaya (Behind Usopp), Shanks (behind Luffy), Kuina (Behind Zoro), Dr. Hiriluk (Behind Chopper), Bellemere (Behind Nami), and Master Shipwright Tom (Behind Franky). Each one takes on a pose that they were usually famous for. Olivia has a look of slight worry on her face, Kaya has her general look of overall kindness, Zeff has his generic unamused face, Shanks is sticking his tongue out in a goofy manner, Kuina has a look of cockiness on her face, Dr. Hiriluk is smiling with a cup of sake in his hand, Bellemere is smiling with a frying pan in her hand, and Tom also appears rather happy with his smile, almost as if he was saying his famous catchphrase, "Whatever you do, do it with a DON!", meaning that whatever you do in life, you should always do it well.


Other than that, I am currently awaiting some curtains also from YesAsia, which display the Jolly Roger of the Straw Hat Pirates because one, the curtains look amazing and secondly, every morning around 9:30-10:30 AM, an almost blinding light from the sun shines straight into my eyes from my bed and I am getting somewhat sick of having to deal with that every morning.

I'll post some more later, so as Tom would say, "Whatever you do, do it with a DON!"

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